Registracija (nova tvrtka/korisnik) Prijava (postojeća tvrtka/korisnik)

URBIS 72 d.d. (Details)

Adresa tvrtke Sv. Teodora 2, 52100 Pula
Telefon/fax/mobitel T:052/591365, M:098/253006
Web site tvrtke
Djelatnost tvrtke Design, engineering and consulting

Zaštita Inženjering Konzalting d.o.o. (Details)

Adresa tvrtke Fra Paula Pellizzera 24A, 52210 Rovinj
Telefon/fax/mobitel T:830057, M:0992319990
Web site tvrtke -
Djelatnost tvrtke Design, engineering and consulting

Prikazani rezultati 17-18 od ukupno 18

The project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.

This web application was prepared with financial assistance of IPA Adriatic Cross-border cooperation. The contents of this application is the sole responsibility of IRENA and can not under any circumstances be considered to reflect the position of the IPA Adriatic CBC.